Yesterday we released an important update for Novapress Pro which fixes two issues which prevented the infinite scroll effect to work properly.
This issue was present in version 1.0.7 to 1.0.9. The update version we release yesterday is version 1.1 in which those issues are fixed.
We highly recommend you update immediately. Before you do so, make sure to backup your site files & database. We recommend you use a plugin like WordPress Duplicator.
Keep in mind that if you made any changes to the theme files or style.css file, these changes will be wiped out when you update.
To update your theme; log into your website’s Admin Dashboard and go to APPEARANCE > Themes. Then click the “New version available – Update Now” link for Novapress Pro.
If you are using the free version – Novapress Lite – upgrade to Novapress Pro today and save 10% with coupon code THEMELY10.